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Shahryar Nouraei, MSc, P.Eng., PMP
Special Assignment Manager
FortisBC Energy Inc.
An Introduction to Design Thinking Methodology
Sat Jan 30 2021 01:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Whether at work, or at home, we are problem-solver beings. In most cases, we overcome the familiar obstacles using our analytical thinking, but sometimes we face a barrier that demand unconventional and creative solutions. The main dilemma however, is that innovative ideas are in short supply when they are needed desperately, and show up when least expected. During this webinar, you are introduced to the human-centered and innovative problem solving methodology, AKA “Design Thinking”, which has helped many companies such as IBM, Google, Pepsi co., and Nike to innovate repeatedly and not just randomly. The Design Thinking methodology puts the human needs at core and taps into our creative thinking to tackle the apparent unsolvable problems!
Online (Zoom)
About the Speaker:
Shahryar Nouraei, MSc, P.Eng., PMP
Special Assignment Manager
FortisBC Energy Inc.
For the past two decades, Mr. Shahryar Nouraei, P.Eng. has been helping different companies through their business process improvement, innovation, and strategy development journeys. He has held senior management positions at large international firms in the energy, consulting, engineering, and manufacturing sectors. In his current role as Special Assignment Manager at FortisBC Energy Inc., he provides guidance, oversight, and leadership along with technical direction to ensure alignment of business processes, systems technology, and corporate strategic initiatives. Holding his B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and M.Sc. in Information Technology, he is practising as an IDEO Design Thinking coach. Shahryar is an active member of Engineers and Geoscientists BC as well as Standard Council of Canada’s mirror committee ISO/TC 279 - Innovation Management System.