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Richard Boase, P.Geo.
Section Manager, Environmental
District of North Vancouver
Natural Hazards and Development Permits in the District of North Vancouver – Policy and Risk Management
Fri Apr 23 2021 00:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
The District of North Vancouver (DNV) has a history of significant life altering geomorphic-related incidents that have impacted lives and properties. To respond to the growing need of a clear policy in combination with a higher level of professional oversight associated with developments, the DNV has implemented Development Permit Areas as a policy tool. The three Natural Hazard Development Areas, which are adopted by the Council into the current OCP, are Wildfire Protection, Slope Hazards, and Creek Hazards. This presentation provides the general background information on the DNV’s Natural Hazard development permit review process as it relates to both Qualified Professionals and homeowners.
In this presentation, Mr. Boase, P.Geo. provides the background and his personal experiences in developing the DNV’s award winning Natural Hazard Management Program. He will discuss the many questions that needed to be answered in a development permit reading natural hazard risk management. These questions include: How does the DNV assess the risk? How is an “acceptable risk” determined? How are the risk findings communicated to owners, stakeholders (including qualified professionals) and the Council? And how should the risks be addressed by consultants and contractors?
Side Notes:
1) The event will be in English, and EGBC members may claim 2 Continuing Education (CE) Hours for attending the event.
2) At the time of the event, the admittance to the presentation room starts at 5:15 PM, and the program starts at 5:30 PM sharp. During this time (5:15 -5:30), the audience will have a chance to network with each other in the room through the Chat Box. A second chance will also be provided to the audience after the Q/A session of the program to do their last minutes of networking through the Chat Box.
Online (Zoom Meeting) - Please see the Registration link below.
About the Speaker:
Richard Boase, P.Geo.
Section Manager, Environmental Sustainability (Operations)
District of North Vancouver
Mr. Richard Boase, P.Geo. is a Geoscience graduate (B.Sc. Geol. 1987) of the University of British Columbia (UBC), a Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo.) registered with Engineers and Geoscientists BC (since 1994), and a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP). He has over 25 years of local government sustainability & environment protection experience with the District of North Vancouver (DNV), ranging from policy development to civil infrastructure projects. Prior to his current role as Section Manager of the DNV, he specialized in contaminated sites assessment and remediation. As a recognized leader and specialist in urban watersheds and green infrastructure assets, Mr. Boase possesses a unique multidisciplinary skill set.