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Mentorship Program



  • Purpose of the program

Mentorship program is an amazing program offered by IEBCA to its members. Thanks to our experienced members who are our resources and generously dedicated to help others, this program connects prospective mentees seeking expert advice and consultation to resourceful mentors in their profession. The unique feature of this program is to develop a strong mentorship relationship among parties to provide access to a wealth of knowledge and experience for mentees and also build up a lifelong friendship and a potential future business partnership for them.   



Consultation is provided from our experienced members within a timeframe of 2-3 half an hour time intervals. Please scroll down to figure out the fields you can obtain consultation in.


  • Requirements

First, you need to be an IEBCA member. Next, you need to apply to the program as a mentee (see below). Then, you need to share your information along with a short and concise description of the subject you are seeking consultation for with us. Finally, you need to agree with indemnity agreement (i.e., You hold harmless and release IEBCA and its staff and volunteers from all liability, petition and causes of action which you, your heirs, representatives, executors, administrators or any other persons may make while acting on your behalf or on behalf of your estate.) If you are already an IEBCA member and agree with the terms, please proceed with the registration.


  • Registration

You can register as a mentor here.



For Mentees
Mentorship program offers you a host of amazing benefits. A mentor is willing to wisely share his/her experience and knowledge in order you succeed.  No matter what your objectives for using our mentorship service are, you need to honestly share sufficient information to help us finding a best available match for you. In case there is no available capacity for the profession you are asking, we will put your inquiry in a waiting queue so that you can benefit from the service at the earliest time a mentor becomes available in your profession.   


  • Procedure

Once you have registered, we will try to find a match from our available mentors to satisfy your needs and share contact information. Please note that your mentor will kindly share his/her knowledge and experience with you and may act as your reference if it desires the mentor. It is not the duty of your mentor to find a job for you.
The mentorship service offered you is for a period of three months and you must arrange up to six meetings (online, phone conference, or in person) with the introduced mentor. After each meeting you need to prepare a one-page report on details of the meeting and to get it verified by your mentor. You need also to scan and upload your reports to our system. At the end of your mentorship period you will share your comments and improvement suggestions, the deliverable and the results not achieved yet with us in a final report (2 pages maximum).



  • Requirements

First, you need to be an IEBCA member. Next, you need to apply to the program as a mentee (see below). Then, you need to share your information along with supportive documents with us. If you agree please proceed with the registration.


  • Registration

You can register as a mentor here.



For Mentors
If you are a person who has the attitude of helping others and wants to see them succeed and that alone worth the time and energy you donate to your society and community or who looks at mentorship as a way of leaving a legacy our service will facilitate your notion. As a mentor, you pass your wisdom down to the next generation and it is something that we are proud of. You will have the power to make a huge difference in someone's life, in your industry and in your community through six one-hour meetings you spend with your mentee online, at phone or in person within a three-month period.


  • Procedure

Once you have decided to be part of our valuable mentorship program and registered for your contribution to this service, we will keep your information secured in our file. Prospective mentees can see your profession description and your availability only. After a mentee requests for your mentoring service, we will share his/her information and supportive documents with you. Upon your acceptance, your name and contact information will be shared with your mentee. It is the duties of mentees to arrange up to six meetings at your convenient times and places within the three month period of your mentorship service. You will also need to verify the one-page reports prepared by your mentee on details of each meeting.


  • Requirements

You need to register for the program and share your information along with a short description about your profession and experience with us. If you agree please proceed with the registration.


  • Registration

You can register as a mentor here.


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